With exactly two weeks from the first day of the bar exam, anxiety can be high and doubt can unexpectedly creep in.  My wish for you during this part of the preparation is that you maintain your even keel and that you stay cool, calm, and collected no matter what comes your way and no matter how overwhelmed you might feel. You might ask yourself, how am I supposed to do that with the constant stress, pressure, and even panic? Perhaps the below suggestions will help you sail into the next couple of weeks and into the bar exam with your head held high and your anxiety in check.



1.     Stay Cool. Literally and figuratively. During the winter months, even in Florida, we tend to bundle up and prefer to stay warm, inside. However, I encourage you, on your next study break, to lace up and get outside in the fresh, cooler air.  Studies show that getting outside in the fresh air improves brain function.[1]  Who would not want that right now? Whether you walk or jog, the benefits are immense and in almost every case, you simply feel refreshed and better after you move about in the fresh, cool air.


2.     Stay Calm. Close your eyes. Exhale and imagine yourself in the bar exam, carefully reading each question, answering each question with ease, and finishing in sufficient time. Visualizations like these mentally prepare you for what is to come and can even reduce stress.[2]  Being able to breath into the discomfort of how you feel about your preparation and the exam itself is a useful skill and will empower you to stay focused, alert, and positive throughout the experience.


3.     Stay Collected. Maintaining your study routine and space, personal hygiene and health habits, and an overall sense of positivity about your efforts and how you are handling yourself throughout this preparation period is important. Your thoughts, positive or negative, grow off of each other so keeping them light and hopeful will give you that boost of self-esteem you need to keep yourself steady in the final push.


May these ideas encourage you to get outside in the fresh air, visualize your success, and keep your thoughts light and approving of yourself and your efforts. You have all that you need to keep your spirit high and your focus directly on your preparation. You are almost at the finish line - you can do it!

[1] https://www.advancedneurotherapy.com/blog/2015/09/10/walking-outside-brain

[2] https://www.huffpost.com/entry/5-benefits-we-can-reap-fr_b_6672638?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAL_oTOwvnS5_pNo8CdpoMGEWI0cqvHD1ZZ-2C5WSjWhv0pd481X6dLtC7IWOuG8p580CEoGFHqyh3o9avARu4yfiRpMoC3R9RlxcFKPue3JPG3r9rWUhc6ZCGkHbbTRhDMr1H4IqrbRR5fTWds69TQx9B8VBZChxS53v4jgtUzk_